Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Words from Paramhansa Yogananda: The Golden Age is Slowly Arriving

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Behold, chela, [though] I hope that you found your bath refreshing, [I exhort you to] bathe also in the refreshing waters of the celestial Ganges!  And if you drink of that water, your third eye will gain knowledge and conscious-ness and awareness of that which, if that eye is closed, you [would] not be able to see [discern].


The fifth dimensional world, the Golden Age (that comes after the Dark Age of Kali Yuga), the bright Age of Enlightenment is already here [in subtle ways, not yet fully]!  The machinations of the celestial bodies and energies have not been late.  They are on time, they are always on time.  We are lesser emanations of those energies, and as such, we have a life cycle that resembles those of the celestial bodies.

Like stars, we can blaze brightly [spiritually].  Our [inner] light can bring nourishment to other beings [i.e., we can each help others in our unique ways].  Like a great tree, [other beings] can rest themselves in our branches (but we must have a strong foundation within ourselves in order for them to do so).  And[, too,] like celestial bodies, sometimes our light can burn out [i.e., we can feel discouraged, hopeless, or become physically sick, pass away, etc.].

So you see, there are seasons and cycles to each of our lives.  It is not a secret that the next  [collective] cycle for the beings of this world, and [for beings of] other worlds, is to move into an awareness, a consciousness, a knowledge of a fifth dimensional existence.


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I have already spoken of this, briefly, in my writings.*  Did I not say that beings, humans as they are now called,  can exist solely on light, that their energies can metabolize a light source as though it were an organically-grown food source harvested from plant life or animal life?

This is because that which makes up their [light-based] bodies will be different from [that which makes up] their carbon-based bodies, and [they] therefore will not need energy sources based on carbon.

One need not be a physicist to understand such simple matters.  We see, on a regular bases, the change of seasons, how a leaf changes from green, to gold, to brown.

[Or] we see how food we prepare freshly, after sitting for a while, begins to rot, begins to no longer be fit for consumption.  This happens because the molecular structure of the food source changes so that it cannot interact in a productive matter with the body.

So will be the case for the beings of this world, and others, that their molecular structure will no longer be served by organic food sources.  This is not a miraculous thing.  This is merely a change in seasons [for them], that's all, very easy to understand.

This is an exciting time.  My spirit is exuberant, and has longed for this time over many eons, to see the Golden Age once again arrive in this galaxy!  We [in the spirit realm], are busy [behind the scenes], we are very, very busy.  There is much work to be done!


At this time, you must focus on your walk.  I have planted the karmic seeds in your life that needed to be planted, at the time they needed to be planted.  And now, by their own accord, they will take root.  Over the vast oceans of time, space, dimensions, I will be watching, and I will be praying, and I will be hoping that you carry out that which you've come here to do, that you live your life purpose, that you touch every goal that your soul had [set] before you came here [i.e., incarnated].

You will affect many.  Your hands will touch many.  Your words will be read, your voice will be heard.  But you are reluctant that these things would happen.  Remember that I, too, did not feel that I was a public speaker.  Remember how I wrote about that in my autobiography, that I had a conversation with my own guru expressing my reluctance to speak before people?  And it was not many nights after that [conversation] that I crossed the ocean, and spoke before vast multitudes of people in a language that was not my native language.

So you see, when it is your destiny to do something, that opportunity presents itself.  Had I not taken the steps that I took despite my reluctance, despite my fear, despite my [trepidation],** had I not taken those steps in faith, with the support and love of my guru, and my unwavering faith in God, then this tome would never have been written, and you never would have read my story and connected with me.  And the growth that you experienced as a result of that connection, would never have happened.

And this story could multiplied many times over by those whom I [have] touched, not only in my physical life[time], but after my physical life expired, [I continued to touch people] through the means of this book you have in front of you now.

Walk in faith, little chela.  Know that like lotus flowers that support your feet with each step you take, the universe, God, the angels of God, and all holy saints, they support your efforts.  And you continue in an unbroken chain of enlightened souls who are here to help other souls cross the waters of samsara to make it to the other side, the other [river] bank  --the bank of consciousness, the bank of evolution and growth, and happiness.

Salutations.***  Be well.  Thank you for hearing my words.  Namaste.


*Yogananda visited and later included in his autobiography the accounts of two women who did not seem to have a need to eat food to survive: Therese Neumann of Konnersreuth, Bavaria (39th chaptersee also the video, The Konnersreuth Case), and Giri Bala of India (46th chapter)

**While I heard (and repeated) "trepitude" while in a light trance state during the channeling, I corrected the text to what I think was meant, "trepidation."  It is humorous, though, as the reader will see in reading the autobiography, in a couple places the author kind of makes up words.  They were not edited out by the publishers.  They seem to be logical grammatical constructions, but they are not found in a standard English dictionary. :)

***"Salutations" is traditionally a greeting, but here apparently intended as a benediction, of sorts. 


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