About These Channelings


I possess a number of abilities, and channeling is just one of them. I would not call these abilities paranormal, because for me they are normal.  I grew up not knowing what these abilities were, thinking everyone had them, until I learned otherwise.  But, I still think they are normal abilities for most humans.  Yet, because modern societies do not support them, often discourage their use, even at times attack those that use these abilities, the result has been they are not developed  in children and adults, who otherwise would probably be using them in their lives.

Children naturally exhibit many of these skills at an early age, then get beaten down emotionally for using them.  And, it is typical that by their teens, they have shut them off.  But, the abilities never fully shut off, because they are natural.  It takes more effort, I found, to work really hard trying to shut them off, than it does to let them express themselves while setting an intention of doing good with them.  I learned this the haaaarrdd way.

With that in mind, I decided to post these channeled messages here at the advisement of several people whom I trust, in large part due to their honesty and forthright answers when I've asked their opinion on things in the past. These are people who aren't shy about giving me a thumbs down if they think something is a bad idea. So, I am going by their advice, their green light, and I post these here with the hope that listeners find them helpful.  Some things might be consoling.  Some things might stretch the imagination.  Some things might make you do the Spock eyebrow.  All of that is OK with me.

Please feel free to post any questions or comments you may have.   I welcome them because they force me to think more deeply, though I may not have the answers you may want to hear.  I am always learning about things around me, and about myself, and this blog is my attempt to learn more about the channeling phenomenon, and the role it may play in my life.


With good reason, many today are skeptical of channelers and their work.  It is totally reasonable to suspect that channelers could be getting their information from malevolent beings masquerading as benevolent, for whatever selfish reasons.  Every being out there isn't necessarily "good," just as we see in us humans, where some of us go out of our way to help others, while some of us are incredibly manipulative, self-centered, and just downright evil at times.  We exist in a spectrum, so it's not unreasonable to expect that other beings do, too.

And then on the other hand, I have noticed that some people believe every word they hear in channelings.  I've seen them fanatically quoting the beings being channeled, even arguing with people who in any way disagree or question them.  You'll see all these flare ups in YouTube's comment sections.  In my opinion, people who do this are dangerously oriented toward a fear-based mentality as regards life on Terra (Earth).  They are in so much fear that they're always hunting for a savior, one that must have all the answers, one that will show an easy way out, secret information that nonbelievers won't have, and too bad for them...because this channeler sure knows the way!  I'm gonna' say, nope, it doesn't work that way.

I would strongly suggest staying more toward the skeptical end of the swimming pool, yet at the same time, keeping an open mind.  Maintain a middle ground as close to neutrality as possible regarding what is said in these, or any other, channeled messages you come across.  Even I don't necessarily agree with everything that's said in my own channeled messages.  I just speak the words exactly as I hear them, editing nothing out, so keep that in mind at all times.

And I want to emphasize that it is incumbent upon every listener to always use discernment whenever reading or listening to work of this sort.  Don't take these or any channeled messages as gospel, as some sort of ultimate truth.  We are all free-thinkers.


The following is an edited excerpt of an online article written by researcher, Stephanie Relfe, whose husband spent many years healing from the mind control he survived in black project operations.  Their research and personal experiences  have left them with a distinct distrust of aliens of any sort.  Not saying we should adopt their beliefs.  For instance, Relfe tends to classify some ETs based on their "evilness."  Some of us may not subscribe to polarized concepts like that.  But there is a good underlying point Stephanie makes in her writing that, if nothing else, reminds us to always: 1. question any propaganda put in front of us, and 2. always honor our personal sovereignty (for the full article see: http://www.auricmedia.net/alien-disclosurerapture-not-get-alien-spaceships-want-harvest/).  Therefore, I think to a great degree her words of advice are helpful:


Good extraterrestrials exist, but if they decide to rescue you, they do not need your permission; they will transport you aboard as quickly as a ship’s crew would rescue a drowning man. They will do it as quickly as you would help anyone in danger. Best of all, their technology is much better than that of the evil ones.

However, despite what you have been told, most aliens on earth are evil, do not care about you, will never come to save you and will never give you what you want . They are evil beyond imagination. They want you for your DNA, for the metagene, for hormones which extend their life (as shown in Jupiter Ascending), for meat and other ways to make profit.  The evil aliens can transport you aboard quickly if they really wanted to help you; they may have been doing it since you were a child, and then wiped your memories.

Do not get on their ships no matter what happens. Good extraterrestrials may come for you, but they are able to pick you up without requiring you to make conscious decision to come aboard. Keep praying to God to bring you to safety quickly and painlessly, either with or without your body.


Unfortunately, a lot of these people think that a lot of aliens, it not all aliens, are good. Even worse, the government has trained a lot of people to look to the government to look after them and for free handouts.  There are good aliens out there, but they will not be the ones working with the government and military to save you in the case of a crisis.  People are being set up for a good alien/ bad alien situation, similar to the “good copy/bad cop” tactic.

“Good cop/bad cop” is a psychological tactic used in negotiation: “Good cop/bad cop” tactics involve a team of two interrogators who take apparently opposing approaches to the subject.  The “bad cop” takes an aggressive, negative stance towards the subject, making blatant accusations, derogatory comments, threats, and in general creating bad feelings between the subject and them self.  

This sets the stage for the “good cop” to act sympathetically, appearing supportive and understanding, and in general showing sympathy for the subject. The subject may feel they can cooperate with the good cop either out of trust or out of fear of the bad cop. They may then trust the good cop and do what both the good and the bad cop want.

The ‘bad cops’ are the grays and reptilians, or something similar. The ‘good cops’ will likely be human looking aliens, and very likely the Nordics. The Nordics are also called the “tall whites” and are said to be tall and beautiful. However, our research leads us to believe that they are not all tall or beautiful. Some are normal height. In any case, they are very evil.


We are starting to come to the realization that a number of them are not so tall or beautiful, and could easily pass for ordinary humans. We believe they are the Aryans, the vril, who helped Hitler. After all, why would this man, with brown hair, want to promote a blonde-haired race?  The Nazis themselves claimed that an extraterrestrial society was the source of their ideology and the power behind their organization. Nazi mysticism, indeed, was reportedly a direct product of cult worship to manipulative Extraterrestrials.  

The Nazis referred to their hidden extraterrestrial masters as underground supermen [ubermensch]. Hitler believed in the supermen and claimed that he had once met one of them, as did other members of the Thule leadership.  The Nordics are less known than the grays. You read earlier in this article how a Nordic was present in the interrogation of Bill Schnoebelen, along with three other evil aliens. That shows they are as evil and as devious as the rest of them.


It would be very cool if channeled messages were all authentic and we could always trust them.  We could potentially learn so much, since time and space have no bearing on a channeler's ability to communicate with a being, human or otherwise.  We could speak with beings from ancient history.  We could speak with beings not of this planet.  We could speak to beings not of this density.  The possibilities are endless!  So, I see the potential value in channeling, and I have gratitude that I have this skill. 

In my opinion, the best perspective to take with channelings is to view them merely as conversations, like you're sitting at Starbucks with these individuals (speaking through the channeler), picking their brains, listening to what's in their heads as they share their personal thoughts about topics important to them.  You don't necessarily agree with these thoughts, and you don't necessarily disagree with these thoughts.  You're simply listening, that all

Some messages I channel I personally find profound and deeply moving.  Others, I could take them or leave them.  But in all cases, I always learn something about something.  I hope you do, too.


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Thank you for reading.

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