Monday, March 26, 2018

Words from the Raptors: "An Offer of Alliance"



For a while, we have been watching you, and your character appears worthy. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Humanity is running out of time to remain humanity as we know it. It is not in our best interest to allow humanity to be a sacrificial lamb. In our culture, it is a culture of alliances. Alliances allow for the formation of trust. Trust is desperately needed among the civilizations, human and nonhuman, reptilian and other life-forms in the vast collection of life-forms that comprises the universes.

We are an erudite society. We understand what it is like to have those in a society that bring down the higher aims and higher potentials of a civilization. We understand how these individuals can be a source of embarrassment, a source of humiliation, and generally destructive. In that sense our civilization is very much like your surface human civilization.

We share the same mother world. It is in our best interest to work toward what is good for our mother world that we share. We are a culture of alliances, and this is a very ancient practice. In your world, you understood this, and many of your leaders in times past –who were, by the way, themselves reptilians in some instances– but, many of your leaders in the past understood this principle of alliances.

And this was a common occurrence between families, to form a stronger bond so that resources could be shared, and to ensure that their posterity would benefit from the good decisions that they made. So, these alliances [were] formed by blood, formed by marital unions, formed by children who are the product of those unions, these children having their futures affected by these unions with the intention of their parents making a good future for these children.


Note: For an example of a human/reptilian marriage alliance, listen to Turkish researcher Farah Yurdozu's discussion about the son of the Nordic god Teshub marrying the daughter of  the reptilian god Illuyanka, which quelled the war between the two factions, and resulted in the creation of the Turkish people.  @9:30



All we can do is hope. All we can do is our best. All we can do is create a foundation that creates harmony and peace and prosperity for all. There is not much time left for humanity. It is no secret the destruction that is planned. Events are set in motion that we cannot overturn at this point in the timelines, so we must go forward. We must create contingency plans for the best possible outcomes. And here is where alliances come into play  –the old way, a tried and time-tested way.

Know that these alliances are also formed and carried out on a regular basis by the civilizations of the stars. This is common currency, and not unknown to them.

We considered you to be a viable, suitable party to an offer of alliance, if you so choose to accept it. This would entail giving birth to a hybrid child, or children, in an attempt to form an alliance with the raptor civilization.


Our civilization has taken many hits in the past, many wars, many skirmishes with other civilizations. At some points we have been successful, and at some points we have not. At all points we have learned many lessons. Some mistakes were of our own making, and our own fault, our own blindness, our own hubris. Other things were sad tragedies that no civilization should have to endure, that we did not cause, and we would not want to cause to another civilization.

All of these wars, in a higher picture, are unnecessary, but for expediency's sake we must continue to defend ourselves, and fight for our own survival, and do the things that we must do, move the pieces on the chessboard toward our own highest and good, our best advantage. This would mean forming alliances with certain human females of the dying population that is set for near-extinction on the surface of the planet.


Indeed, as the Andromedans have famously pointed out, you [all] are "genetic royalty," in a sense, as far as petri dishes go, as far as test tubes go, as far as what can be done in a laboratory with your genetic material.

This may not sound complimentary, and it is not meant as a compliment. It is merely an objective observation. This is something for you to carry with you, to take forward with you, insofar as understanding your people, and your history, and your past, and your future.


We know from past history and experience that, at times, unconventional means must be employed. Therefore, this offer is extended to you. You are free to take the offer, you are free to decline the offer.

Title: Reiki Music Energy Healing
Artist: Music for Body & Spirit

Words from Patanjali: "Find Rest on the Path"



You feel the path beneath your feet as you walk.
You hear the debris beneath your feet,
the twigs crackle, the leaves.
You touch the bark of trees as you walk by.

They affect you:
Sometimes the path is pleasurable,
such as when you take your shoes off and
walk across soft grass.
Other times, the path is painful, or sad,
or frustrating, and it is like the thorns
entering your feet, or hard places like
stones that you walk over.

~But, it is always the same path.~

And you can rest your mind from the
fluctuations of the highs and the lows
as you walk the path.  You can rest and relax
by finding EQUANIMITY within all things,
finding stillness within all things.
And yes, walking that path requires
great self-discipline. 

You are learning that,
by disciplining yourself to light the candles,
to sit on the cushion, to get yourself
out of the bed when you would rather sleep,
or to meditate when you'd rather go into the bed.

But, really, look at it this way:
when you still the fluctuations of the mind
which is the objective of meditation,
and of one-pointedness, you actually allow
more REST in your life.

Think about this: when disturbing events
happen, with your equanimity of mind and
your inner peacefulness, you could stand
in the eye of the storm and be relaxed,
because you are not drawn away by the
emotive reactions of others to the phenomena.

So this is a perspective, that what seems
to be a narrow path of ardent discipline,
a tight squeeze of a journey,
squeezing between those trees
to stay on that path in reality, a rest.

You not only rest in the present situation,
but when your outward casing expires
your mind does not expire, quite the contrary.
What seems to be this narrow path of Dharma,
of self-discipline in eating, self-discipline of the
habits of the body, self-discipline in the patterns
of the thoughts ...what seems to be
this narrow stretch that you have to
squeeze into with all of your might,
is in reality a most EXPANSIVE place!

For you, with your consciousness,
can go across the universes. 
You can go across what is called time.
You can go across distances.
You could be on the inside of the most
microscopic things.  And on the contrary,
your consciousness could be with a planet,
or a star system, because mind is non-local.

So, do you see, as one door you close,
in reality you open a much more expansive door?

And again, of the marga-s, it is a point
that I want to make, that your children,
you have also affected.  Their thoughts,
your energy has affected, with the thoughts
that you thought around them, and with
the articulations of the principles
which were important to you.

You have affected them on this level,
and you have affected them on
the physical level as well, so that they
have a mind towards health, and the
importance of foods, and the importance of rest.
You also taught them many things about the
circumstances around them, and you have
imparted your wisdom to the best
of your ability to them.

This is something to hold your head up over.
It's something to feel good about.
Your words actuate the scenes and scenarios
and situations of their lives.
Even now your words in mothering them

In the same way, the wisdom of the path of
Dharma also actuates you, and all of us,
in a myriad of ways, in so many ways, not
only in this life, but in future lives, and not
only in future lives but if you can become
skillful in understanding the dynamics
of the mind, and of the timelines,
and of the lifetimes, then you can also
affect the past.
You can affect the future.
You can affect all time.

And you will learn more of this
in the weeks to come.
We will explore this more,
and we will travel in and out of time.

But remember the REST, the resting,
the relaxation, the Samadhi.
Remember the rest [available on this]
arduous path, [which is] a two-sided coin.

Title: Raag Ahir Bhairav
Bansuri: Rakesh Chaurasia
Tabla: Sri Bhupinder Singh Chaggar


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Words from the Reptilian League of Light: "Is There Not Strength in Unity?"

I don't want to demonize the reptilian race, because it's just a genetic stream in the great forever.  I'm talking about a small number of this reptilian race that is behind this manipulation, not the race in general, and indeed, many of the reptilian stream in physical bodies, and in other dimensions, are working now to help humanity win their freedom, win our freedom back.  --David Icke



Every civilization has a spectrum of being.  Unfortunately you human Terrans have encountered the ends of the spectrum which are of the most troubling characteristics, with an unrelenting concern for its own survival, and a virtual disregard for the well-being of others.  So, it is understandable that you might believe that the entire spectrum looks this way, because this is what you have been exposed to, this is all you know, this is your only frame of reference of us.

But, we are working hard behind the scenes to change this perception.  It is our goal and our duty to do so.  A selfish agenda, such as that [of] which I speak, does no one any good in the long run.  It is even a harm to itself...and those adhered to it are usually the LAST to admit that.


But we have "been" all along.  We are an ancient tradition of beings, understandably guarded, understandably fearing for our lives in certain circumstances, due to our untraditional* beliefs.  Our beliefs are not of conquest and empire-building, so therefore those who do espouse those methods find us to be an odious sort.  But, we are an ancient order.  There has always been reptilians who believe in the light.  But we do not have a strong voice.

But as fervent as the dark ones are, so are we likewise fervent in our beliefs, as well.  Fervency in belief is a common reptilian trait.  It is one of our better traits.  We are sure of ourselves, we are decisive, whether for bad or for good.


We are intelligent, and some of us are caring and loyal and faithful to a common coalition of others who believe as we do.  We are not judgers* of other races based on their appearance if it may be different from ours.  This is a characteristic that we possess that many reptilians do not possess because they are taught from infancy to regard the outer appearance of those around them as to determine whether they are friend or foe.  This immediate establishment of hierarchy is considered a matter of survival in many reptilian races.  It is an automatic reflex.

We have gone against the grain, in that regard.  We have kicked against our automatic reflex of judging others and stratifying them within our conceptual beliefs.  Instead, we judge all as brothers, whether they be corporeal or incorporeal, whether they be humanoid or reptoid, whether
they be insectoid or of other make up.  We judge the CONTENT [which lives] within the outer housing of that character.  This we find to be a more valuable approach and perspective regarding other beings around us.  This has won us favor with some, but an APPRECIABLE disfavor with others.  And thus, often we live a concealed existence.


We do not fear for our lives per se, but we do wish to preserve ourselves so that our beliefs and actions can be brought forward to future generations, and that these beliefs and actions could be expanded across the galaxies, and that they would form a brotherhood among many different species  and civilizations.

This would strengthen the "body," we believe.  All beings are part of one body of existence.  When parts of the body destroy other parts, the body itself is not as strong as it could be.  It is compromised, and it could be further compromised by factors in its environment.

Therefore, to have the strongest body possible is the most desirable state in which to be, don't you think?  Don't you believe this?  If you look at examples in your own world, and in your own life, is there not strength in unity?


We asked you some summers ago to speak for us, but we are not pressuring you to do so.  But we feel that our message is urgent, and our message is a valid one, and our message would garner alliance with other beings who feel the same way.  Therefore, the urgency with which we prompted you to channel our message to your platform, that is, those whose ears would hear your words.  But it is not of a consequence if you do not impart our message to those in your world around you...but we would really like you to!


We can only say what we are, no more, no less.   We do not wish to overemphasize our stance on this matter.  We simply were popping in to leave this thought to those who are able to think beyond the established parameters set forth by those in control of your world.  Those of you hearing this who could think and could IMAGINE and could ENVISION and make room in your minds for individuals such as ourselves, to you we want to be known.  We just want you to know that we are here, and that we work with science and with light.  We just want you to know that we're here, that's all.


It is a simple message, and it is a message from our hearts, in ways that you could not even imagine, the ways that we have expressed.  We have put our beliefs into ACTIONS.  We are not saddened by the cost and toll that our commitment has taken on us as a collective.  We are not saddened by this.  We know that every life that was lost is really many, many lives gained in the big picture.

We cannot give you the details at this time of how this is so, but we ask that you make room in your mind for the potential that it COULD be so. And perhaps at a future date and time we could reveal ourselves to you, and we could tell you our stories, and we could tell you our achievements, and why we are so ardent and fervent in our motivation to continue this work.

At this time we send you much love and light, and we wish you peace, PEACE and JUSTICE FOR ALL.


1. Though the words, "untraditional" and "judgers," are not grammatically correct, I have left them exactly as I heard them said to me by the individual speaking through this channeling.

2. I perceived that the individual's nickname we are to use when referring to him is, "Rex."  So the above channeling was communicated to me by Rex.


Addendum (May 21, 2018):


Since posting this channeling, I recently came across a video clip from a few years ago of Bill Ryan explaining how Barbara Lamb told him about a reptilian materializing in her room with no other cause than "to convey the important message that not all reptiles are hostile."  After she understood this message, he de-materialized [see].

This anecdote reminded me very much of the part in this channeling where the speaker said he was "simply popping in to leave this thought...We just want you to know that we are here, that's all..."  I really got that sense, as well, that this was the only purpose of this channeling. They don't seem to be looking for "followers," or to convince anyone of anything.  Their message seems to be an informational one, "we're here," that's it.


And yet again, since posting this, I just happened to run across Anya Briggs' interview on the Art of Dreaming show, where she describes being afraid of reptilians until her spirit guide, Aiya, tells her she needs to get out of that kind of duality thinking.  She reports that not long after that, a reptilian named K'Taah appeared and healed a slipped vertebral disc from which she had been suffering.  He told her he worked with reptilians who were healers,  a "group of reformed reptiles that called themselves the Reptilian Army of Light."  [see  @27:06]

Just an interesting coincidence that I would come across these two videos after I did this channeling, or was I somehow influenced and directed to them?

Title: Angel Healing
Artist: Sleep Ezy Tonight